It has taken me years to gather up the courage to sit down and finish typing out the story of Reed’s birth. I always knew I would, but to be honest the thought of writing out what happened was so unbearably overwhelming, so I kept putting it off. I would write a little here and […]
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Taking time to schedule our own family photos is something I never regret, especially now that we are a family of three. A couple of months ago, my dear friend Erica Streelman took these photos of us and I just love them so much! Gatlin changes so much each and every day, I feel like […]
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As I type this glancing over at my sweet baby boy, I can’t help but become overwhelmed with emotion. How can one tiny human be so strong-willed? Our son, Gatlin’s fight to survive, both inside the womb and once he was born was simply astonishing. Not just to us (proud parents over here) but to […]
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